Sunday, November 28, 2010

7 months old!!

You are 7 months old Ava!!! 

7 month old stats: 



You are still sleeping great.  You have been sleeping 8 to 10 hours a night AND taking 2 to 3 naps a day which are around 1 1/2 to 2 hours long! You are a very good sleeper!!  

Weight: 17lbs 

Length: I haven't measured you this month but will at 8 months!!

Diaper Size:
You moved up a size to size 3!!! 
Clothes Size:
It really depends on the clothing brand but mostly you still wear 6 months.  You have been growing because you jeans are getting shorter.  

Funniest moment this month:
 When you giggle! You giggle about everything.  You giggle when we laugh, or when we tickle you! It is soo cute!!

Your favorite toy: 
Anything you can chew on & anything that makes noise! You really like your roll around toy that spins and your little bucket with the blocks inside!  


Love, Mom

Sunday, November 14, 2010

6 months old!


I can't believe you are 6 months old! I love you sooo much that words can't even describe.  This month, you have started doing sooo many new things and have grown so much! 

  • You are wearing 6 month clothing and wearing size 2 diapers 
  • At your 6 month appt,  you weighed 16lbs 9oz
  • You have started baby food.  You like green beans the best and you did not like squash & peas
  • You are sleeping 10 to 12 hours a night and taking 2 or 3 naps during the day. 
  • You have your two bottom teeth (october 13)and are currently trying to get your top teeth
  • You have said Ma Ma for the first time on October 28th and Da Da for the first time on November 7th
  • You like to sit outside with mom, watch footbal with daddy, play with all your toys on the blanket
  • You are sitting up, holding your bottle and drinking from a sippy cup. 