Friday, July 29, 2011

15 months

Baby girl you are 15 months.  I cannot believe it! 

You are wearing size 4 diaper now ( we just moved up from size 3) 
You are still wearing 12 month clothing
Your wearing size 3 shoes
You weigh 22 pounds
You started walking on July 9th
You finally crawled a couple days later
You talk all the time
Your favorite words are Daddy, MaMa, Baby, Ball, Bubble, Ava, Uh Oh, Thank you and many more

I never knew being a mommy would be this great.  You are an awesome little girl and I thank God for you every day.  You have changed our lives and we love it.  I love everything about you! We love your smile, your personality, your laugh, the ways you always make everyone happy and most of of all every part of YOU!! I know I tell you this a billion times a day, but I love you sweet baby girl!! 

Love, Mama

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What a difference a year makes!

Ava 7/20/2010


I love her so much!! 


Monday, July 18, 2011

Celebrating Sophia!!

We made a trip to Texas to celebrate Sophia's 1st year of life with her friends and family this past weekend.  The best thing about Texas is the Meisters! Second would be outlet shopping but if your talking to my hubby, it would be the new In & Out Restaurants! Anyways, we left Friday afternoon for our fun filled road trip...
Ava very excited about TX but staying true to her roots!! 

Sophia's party was on Saturday morning.  It was a Swim Party.  It was so much fun and was decorated so cute.  Jeremy and Nadege did such a great job on the Party...
The girls before the party!! They were very excited!!

Beautiful Sophia driving her *NEW* car to her party!! SO cute!! 
Jeremy reading the girls a story after the Party

My loves at In & Out for dinner!! 

We had so much fun with our friends.  We thank God for the Meisters.  We are blessed to have them as friends.  

Happy Birthday Sophia!! We love you!! 


Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!

Happy 4th of July! We love this holiday! Fireworks, warm weather, swimming and lots of fun!! What a difference a year makes...



So thankful for the men & women who fought and continue to fight for our freedom! 

Love, Ashley