Monday, February 28, 2011

10 months!!

I can't believe you are 10 months old!!
You are wearing a size 3 diaper
You weigh 21 lbs
Your not crawling but you love to stand up and hold on to everything
You have 6 teeth
You now say bye bye and hi
You love to smile and are very happy 
You love to play peek a boo and hide n seek
You love eating puffs & head banging to music
You are still sleeping 10 to 12 hours a night

We love you soooo much! Your our little princess and are so grateful that God blessed us with YOU! 

Friday, February 11, 2011


Whoo Hoo! The Past 11 days have been nothing but snow and cold air.  But, it looks like thats about to change.  The weather forecast is saying that we should be having 70's by this time next week.  Even though, we have been inside for basically the past two weeks, we have had FUN!
This was during the 1st snow storm! If you look closely, you can see Ava looking out at me from the window!
This was one of the snow drifts
Ava looking out the door at me
Getting Ready to make smores!! 
Fun with Daddy! 
Enjoying time with Daddy while he stays at home from work
Ava's 1st experience with Super Mario! She loved it! 
So cute! 
The fire was going the whole time! 

We are looking forward to warmer weather so we can do this!!....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy 9th Month Birthday!!

9 month stats: 

You weigh 19.2lbs
You are 28" long
 Your head is in the 85th percentile (you have your dads head) 
You only have your two bottom teeth
You are still wearing 6 month clothing
You love playing on your carpet with all your toys 
You love waving, saying momma & dada and playing peek a boo. 
This month, you discovered your shadow 
Your not crawling but you love pulling up and standing
You like to pull on Sugar's ears and get so excited when she comes around you
You love reading books, riding your dino, and playing with all your toys you got from christmas

We love you so much.  Everyday, we thank God for choosing us to be your parents!! 

Love, Mommy & Daddy