Monday, August 30, 2010

4 months old!!


Your 4 months old!! I cannot believe how fast 4 months have gone by! Words cannot express how much we love you.  We love everything about you.  Your personality, your smile, how cuddly you are...etc! 

You weigh close to 14 lbs
You wear 3-6 month clothes
You are still wearing size 1 diaper
You are drooling everywhere
You now like tummy time
You are holding your head up soo good
You have "unofficially" rolled over
You sleep 10-12 hours a night with 2 naps during the day
You are eating 4 oz of milk with cereal
Your favorite things include bath time with daddy, walks around the mall & neighborhood, your GiGi, Gpa, Grandma, Grandpa & Aunt DiDi and Uncle Philip, swinging in your swing, "talking" to mommy, & watching movies with Daddy.  
You love reading books with mommy & daddy
You love "flirting" with friends and even strangers

You are the best baby we could ask for.  We love you so much.  We are so thankful that YOU are our daughter and we feel so blessed to be your parents.  

Mommy & Daddy!! 

Saturday, August 7, 2010

3 months old!

This has been the best 3 months of our lives.  You are such a good baby! You weighed 11lbs 13 oz and were 23 1/4 long at your last doctors appointment.  You are drinking 4 oz of formula every 3 hours.  You are sleeping 8 to 10 hours a night and taking 2 or 3 short naps during the day.  You have started smiling and "talking" which is sooo cute. You like going for walks and playing with your raddle.  You do not like tummy time at all.

Sorry this post is late..hey im a mom I have an excuse! You were 3 months old on July I'm only a couple days late ;)
