Wow, Ok so I haven't posted in a long time. Everything is going great. The pregnancy is going great. Morning sickness has FINALLY subsided (knock on wood). I am now 22 1/2 weeks. I felt her kick on 12/19. It's the coolest thing EVER!!Nathan hasn't felt her kick yet thougbecause its not strong enough. We go back to the dr. on the 18th i think. So excited to see her again!! At first, we were not sure of her name because the name we had chosen Nathan thinks is a very popular name. But, I love it and hopefully she will too! Anyways, I promise I'm going to start posting every couple of days so I can keep this updated :)
Sugar in her Christmas Dress at her grandma & grandpa's (Nathan's parents)
On Christmas Eve/Day, we were in a Blizzard. It was the first Blizzard in Tulsa. CRAZY! We usually just get ice but not this time. It still hasn't all melted!
Both Missy & I got Snuggies! I actually got two. One from my parents and one from Nathan's parents. Awesome! Now, I can have a snuggie wherever I go...:)
The boys with their parents!
Lexee. This is my parents dog. She was so excited to see us on Christmas :)
Lexee & Sugar...they love each other...ok not really! But, we like to pretend they do :)
This is our home..with all the snow..
Nathan in our backyard showing how big our snow drift was...
I don't know how to make it the right way...
Anyways, here are some pics of my growing belly & baby. We have actual ultrasound pics but they need to be uploaded.

20 weeks

22 weeks...right after
~ Ashley