So, I'm going to skip ahead a little bit. We've gone to the DR. 3 times now to see our little precious baby. It seriously makes my day when I see the baby. On Oct. 26th, we found out the doctor is 99% of the baby's sex. We decided to tell our families in a fun way. We had Dr. Nilson put the sex of the baby in an sealed envelope. Then, we took the envelope to a bakery and told them to make the cake batter the color that matched the sex of the baby. (pink-girl, blue-boy). Later that evening, we had our families over and we cut into the cake and this is what we saw...
It's a GIRL!!! 99% Sure...We are excited...
I'm now 12 1/2 weeks. I think I'm finally getting over "all-day" sickness.
I'm going to try to update this every few days. I promise I will get better :)